Thursday, August 18, 2016

so sorry but WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im sorry we have not been writing we are in Washington and  its so fun we are parked in a marina right now cause if you know we have to stay a week out of thousand trails its a campground if you dont know yea its really cool uh we went camping in a tent for two days, guess where .....................THE CASCADES it was so fun and if the road opens we might be do it some where else i love camping and we roasted marshmallows and made smores  and yummm i love Hershey chocolate its the best. do you like it and by the way we are getting a CAT yay everyone here in my family is so happy and rachel is theres no going back were geting the cat lol again im sorry we have not been posting but we should start up again so after i post this i will right how much fun its been and alot of other stuff so thank for reading and i hope you follow and remember to subscribe to my and my sisters youtube channel its im puting it in caps but dont put this into youtube search like this im putting it in caps so its has more pizzazz but when you put it into youtube search put it normal not caps here it is ....................................................................................................................................................................... AWEOMEROADSCHOOLERS thats our youtube channel and this is our email ...........................................................................................................................................................................................AWESOMEROADSCHOOLERS@GMAIL.COM............................................................................................................................................................................................................................yay bye see you next time

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